Holiday Gift Ideas for your Loved One(s)

Now that kids have gone back to school, there's no denying that fall has arrived. And with the arrival of fall, it's time to think more than just carving pumpkins and planning for that costume party. Looking ahead, many of us are thinking about what to give the person we love for the winter holidays. For those who are thinking about a gift that sparkles, this guide is here to help make the right choice. Read on to get some jewelry holiday gift ideas.
Why Jewelry for a Holiday Gift?
Giving jewelry to a significant other or relative for the holidays has a long history. For one thing, winter holidays are associated with lights and sparkly things. Hanukkah is the Jewish festival of lights, and it has a history that's thousands of years old.
Religious & Cultural Gifting Traditions
Throughout the Christmas traditions in Europe, there have been forms of lights used. Christmas trees, for instance, are an old German tradition that later became fashionable in English speaking countries.
Even outside the Jewish and Christian traditions, winter holidays are associated with cheery decorations and gift-giving. Hindus and Buddhists celebrate Diwali each year in November, and this involves lamps, fireworks, and food. People gather to give lavish gifts and enjoy each other's company. Lastly, Kwanzaa is a popular celebration for those of African descent that also involve family and gifts.
No matter your religious or cultural tradition, there are plenty of reasons to celebrate the season with gifts of jewelry. This kind of gift is something they would treasure for a long time. Unlike electronic devices, jewelry-like vintage gemstone rings won't break as easily. When it does, jewelers can generally fix it, restoring its beauty and sparkle.
Who Can Get Jewelry?
Of course, jewelry gifts are a highly personal present. There are many considerations about personality and style. However, the idea that jewelry has to be expensive is a misconception. Jewelry made with colored gemstones can be quite inexpensive. Here are some holiday gift ideas for the different people in your life.
With girlfriends, there are a lot of options. If you're ready to commit to her, then this is a great time to make a marriage proposal. The family is together, so it's a great time to celebrate this great milestone.
Besides the traditional engagement ring, you might consider a diamond necklace. This can be in a style that compliments the diamond engagement ring, and she'll wear it with pride. Worried you don't know her ring size? With Clarity offers a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects with purchase. Learn more about our lifetime warranty.
If you have a girlfriend but aren't ready to get engaged, give something else. For instance, a simple diamond necklace is always classic. Consider gemstone rings, especially if it's her birthstone. Is she concerned about the environment? Think about lab created diamonds, which have a much lower carbon footprint than mined stones.
Whether you've been married a few years or half a lifetime, the holidays are a great time for some added romance. Maybe a diamond heart necklace would express your affections for them in a special way. Yellow gold jewelry is increasingly popular, so you can consider combining it with black diamonds for an elegant look. Perhaps some 1 carat diamond earrings would be lovely, especially if you're celebrating an important milestone (no pun intended).
Best Friends
If you've been buddies with someone for many years, maybe it's time to give something that reflects your friendship. One option would be a dainty diamond necklace. Or, consider matching gemstone rings. Those could either be exactly the same or perhaps an identical design with your respective birthstones. Either way, gemstone rings are a great way to celebrate each other.
Both your mom and your mother-in-law are special women. Your mom raised you, and your in-law raised the person who is special to you. One option would be to give your partner diamond stud earrings. Another holiday gift idea to add on: to accompany this gift have your mother gift your partner a matching diamond solitaire necklace. This way, your partner gets a lovely set that's from both of you.
If your mother or mother-in-law is fashionable, then consider something more up-to-date. For instance, contemporary diamond necklaces take timeless styles and put a little spin on it.
Grandma or Aunt
Many of us have special relationships with our grandmothers and aunts. Small tokens of affection are always appreciated. Since you might not know her as well as some of the other people on our list, it's a good idea to choose something classic. For example, a simple diamond bail necklace is relatively difficult to mess up. Another option is a pair of 1 carat diamond stud earrings, with near-universal appeal.
On a Budget?
If you're trying to give jewelry to the friends and family in your life, but must stick to a tight budget, there are some options. Here are some considerations that will help you get the right item, for the right price.
- Consider lab created diamonds. These have the same properties as mined white diamonds, but they cost about 30% less by weight. This way, the dainty diamond necklace is in reach.
- Go with gemstones. Amethysts are romantic and generally economical. London blue topaz gets you a traditional look for less. Or, consider peridot. These stunning green stones are perfect for both budgets and good looks.
- Think about small diamonds. Because large diamonds cost more per carat than small ones, choosing a style with a lot of small diamonds gives big sparkle for a small price. One way to do this is with halo earrings.
- Go online. You'll get more value for your money without paying for lots of overhead.
- Add love. Remember, sometimes it's the affection for your recipient that counts more than the gift. You don't have to go overboard than what's necessary.
Contact Us
We hope that this has been helpful. If you would like to talk about your options and other holiday gift ideas, our registered gemologists are always here to help. Contact us by phone at 1(844)-234-6463 or email at Our Live Chat is available during business hours Monday - Friday, 10 AM - 5:30 PM ET.