A Brief Guide on the Flawless Diamond

Everyone who pops the big question (yep, women propose, too) wants the moment to be one of the most memorable events in their special someone's life. Everything must be perfect: from the scene and the ambiance, to the shimmering engagement ring presented as a token of love. And many people, especially romatics, get caught up in the idea of finding that perfect loose diamond. Naturally the flawless diamond (or FL diamond), which is arguably the best diamond clarity, is the first to come to mind.
What is a Flawless (FL) Diamond?
A flawless (FL) diamond essentially means that it is a perfect diamond from the inside out. They are the clearest diamonds, completely free of inclusions and surface blemishes. Truly flawless diamonds are very rare, and therefore extremely valuable. How rare are flawless diamonds? It's estimated that D color (colorless), flawless diamonds make up just 0.001% of all diamonds produced around the world. Since no natural diamond is formed in the most pristine, controlled conditions, they can never be 100% flawless with no other trace minerals and elements. (This is different when considering lab-created diamonds, which are made under strictly controlled conditions.) However, diamonds are considered flawless, as we understand it, once there are no visible imperfections detected in or on the stones at a certain magnification ratio.
Only a professional jeweler or appraiser can positively name flawless diamonds. Even the most jewelry savvy eye, if not properly trained, will miss the small blemishes in the diamond clarity and the imperfections in the stone’s facets that could make a diamond's clarity grade just below that of the FL diamond. Even the most experienced of eyes misses a detail or two when grading a seemingly flawless diamond.
Clarity is one of the major 4 C's of diamond buying, in addition, to cut, color, and carat.
Watch our company founder help you assess which combination of the 4 C's will yield in the best diamond for your budget.
Flawless vs. Internally Flawless
Internally flawless (IF) diamonds are just as rare and precious as flawless ones. They are also usually just as pricey. As with the flawless diamond, an internally flawless diamond can only be identified by a skilled professional. However, unlike its flawless counterpart, an internally flawless diamond may appear flawed on the outside with blemishes on the surface on the stone. Special equipment and further examination is needed to decide if an outwardly blemished gem still classifies as IF. You can read more about the similarities and differences between these two stones in our in-depth guide to flawless vs internally flawless diamonds.
Flawless Diamond vs VVS
If you're choosing between a flawless diamond and a VVS grade diamond, there are a couple things to consider. First, a VVS1 diamond will be the closest to the flawless diamond. VVS2 diamonds have more inclusions than the VVS1 stones. VVS stones have inclusions that are visible under magnification, though they're generally eye clean stones. So choosing between these two comes down to asking yourself how concerned you are with what you cannot see. If you're fine with diamond inclusions that can only be seen under magnification, go with the VVS stone and save yourself significant money. An expert gemologist can help you find the right VVS stone for your goals and budget.
Is it Worthwhile to Spend Extra on a Flawless Diamond?
For those people who will settle for nothing less than the absolute best for their beloved on the day they propose, you cannot get any better than a flawless diamond. Those lucky people will certainly be the envy of all their friends, flashing her brand-new, 100% perfect flawless diamond engagement ring. These diamonds, of course, come with heavy price tags, but if the cost pales in comparison to making your betrothed feel like a wealthy queen, they are worth the search and the expense. However, there is no harm in going down a clarity grade or two (which will appear clean to the naked eye). This may allow you to maximize on other factors like a perfect color or a larger carat size in your diamond. Weigh the factors and see which are most important to you. This will ensure that you get the most beautiful diamond for the money that you spend.
Where to Buy a Flawless Diamond
Most high-end jewelry stores sell at least a small selection of jewelry with flawless clarity diamonds. It is certainly the easiest choice, since you yourself could inspect the ring, as well as ask the clerks behind the counter to double check the quality of the diamond before you make your purchase. If you live in a location where flawless diamonds are harder to find, or where sales people know too little about diamond clarity or how to buy a flawless diamond for your taste, there are many websites where you can order the perfect ring for your special lady, such as With Clarity. Always do your homework before committing to the diamond, no matter which method you choose. Oftentimes stores or local jewelers will not have a large selection of flawless diamonds. Therefore, be sure to do you research online. This is a great way to guarantee that you are paying the right price and getting a diamond that is perfect in every other way. If you have specific questions about a stone, we have on-staff expert gemologists to help talk you through your questions, concerns, and budget.
How to Buy a Flawless Diamond
As we said before, only an expert can tell you if your diamond is truly “flawless.” However, you can save some of the hassle and wasted time of asking the same questions about each diamond by first checking for a few things before flagging down the jeweler:
- Carbon spots that developed during the diamond's formation
- Cloudiness or milky appearance
- Lines that are not related to the separation of the facets
- Any flaws that stand out against the diamond clarity or overall flow of the gem
- Any imperfections highlighted on the GIA certificate that you should be aware of
Narrow down your selection after you have checked a few rings for these basic flaws. Then, ask the jeweler to inspect your remaining choices for quality and clarity to ensure you're actually getting a flawless diamond ring. Also, always shop around. Again, flawless diamonds are very expensive, and you are not likely to lose the perfect ring to another customer while you look elsewhere to compare flawless diamonds. Also, be sure that your diamond comes with a genuine certificate, proving its flawless classification.
Among certifications, the most reliable is Gemological Institute of America (GIA). With their stringent standards and consistent grading practices, you can be sure that the diamond you are buying is the best option available.
While experts agree that no diamond is ever truly flawless, here are some of the things on which a “flawless diamond” grade is issued:
- Facet polishing: Facets must be evenly and consistently beautiful. Polished with perfection.
- Clarity: A diamond must be 100% clear, both inside and out with no inclusions or imperfections within it.
- Magnification: If a diamond is examined at 10X magnification, and still the stone appears crystal clear and perfect, it qualifies as flawless. Gemologists inspect each diamond under magnification to see from all sides and under different lights as well.
Overall, whichever diamond clarity you choose, be comfortable in your decision and educated about the choice that you made. You should feel that the decision you made is the right one. What truly matters is that your special someone loves the diamond and the engagement ring. Remember that above all else.
What is FL clarity diamond?
Which diamond clarity grade is the best?
What are IF diamonds?
IF diamonds stand for "Internally Flawless" diamonds. It is a Clarity grade assigned to a diamond after a gemological examination; it means that the diamond is free of any internal inclusions but may have small surface blemishes that are only visible under 10x magnification. It is the second-highest grade of diamond clarity and is considered to be of very high quality.
IF diamonds are considered very rare, and as a result, they tend to be more expensive than other clarity grades. However, they are still much less expensive than Flawless diamonds, making them an attractive option for many buyers who want a high-quality diamond at a more affordable price.
Which is better Flawless or VVS diamond?
The difference between a Flawless (FL) diamond and a Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS) diamond is the presence and visibility of inclusions and blemishes. FL diamond is completely free of any internal inclusions or external blemishes, while VVS diamonds have inclusions that are extremely difficult to see under 10x magnification, and may be invisible to the naked eye.
Both FL and VVS diamonds are considered to be of extremely high quality, and both grades are quite rare.