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Signs Your Significant Other is Planning to Propose

Man holding engagement ring box for a proposal

Proposals usually come as a surprise. However, there are some visual and nonvisual cues that could hint to an engagement. Continue reading to know the seven most popular signs your significant other is planning to propose.

1. Your Significant Other is Making the Plans for an Upcoming Trip

Many people choose to propose on a trip. This is a romantic and memorable way to “pop the question.” How to know if your partner is going to propose during a trip:

  • They are taking uncharacteristic control of trip plans.
  • A portion of a trip is "hush-hush" because they chose to take initiative.
  • Their nervousness and/or excitement levels are out of the norm.
couple traveling in a forest

2. Your Significant Other Becomes Uncharacteristically Sentimental

Although many people will begin focusing on the future when they are thinking of the perfect proposal, it's also a good indication your significant other is focusing more on your past. If your partner begins to talk a lot about the notable points in your coupled past, it's a clue they're reviewing your status as a couple. If your significant other begins talking a great deal about your past holidays and travels, starts paying distinctive attention to photos from the early days of your relationship, or sends more sweet text messages, it may be a sign of a proposal that may be in your future.

3. Your Significant Other has Started Talking a Great Deal About Your Future

Many people will try to get a feeling for how you are thinking about the future before proposing. No one wants to misread the situation and risk rejection. Therefore, if you and your partner have talked about marriage, this is a more likely sign that a proposal is to come. Also, if your partner started talking about things in the distant future with more frequency, this could be a sign they're seeing if you are also thinking about a long-term relationship.

couple talking over breakfast

4. Your Significant Other has Asked for Your Ring Size

This is pretty much a dead give away, but you may also notice things that point to your partner trying to find out your ring size. For example, if you notice that a ring is missing from your jewelry box, or if your partner has asked to try on one of your rings. These actions might have an underlying reason: they may be trying to find a way to let a jeweler know your ring size. Another pretty clear sign your significant other is thinking about proposing is if your partner guides you into a jewelry store to try on gemstone rings, “just for fun.” How to know your ring size.

5. Your Significant Other Has Started Becoming More Chatty with Your Friends and Family

Has your partner been spending more time talking to the people important in your life, like your family members? Perhaps they are cooking up a plot to propose. Many people will go through the traditional things like asking your parents for their support and/or approval. Even if your partner isn't that traditional, your partner could be spending more time engaging with the people closest to you.

couple buying an engagement ring online

6. Your Significant Other is Being Secretive

When your partner is planning to propose, they are often looking for a way to establish a special occasion. As you may be aware, secrets can make people nervous. Is your partner becoming unusually secretive? Perhaps a bit jumpy or nervous? It could be because they are planning to propose. You may want to pay close attention to the other signs if you notice an increase in nervousness from your partner. Especially if they get finicky when you go to a certain part of their room or your home together. You might be warm to their hiding spot!

couple planning

Whether your partner is trying to:

  • Feel out your best friend's feelings about your relationship
  • Trying to get advice on your style of jewelry
  • Simply making sure they are more involved with the people you love

This is a sign that your significant other is interested in becoming more involved in your life. Also, that they're the right partner for you!

7. Your Significant Other is Saving Money

Would you characterize your partner as carefree? Sometimes a nudge that someone is about to propose is their attitude about money/expenses. Many people tend to invest several months of their income on an engagement ring. If you notice your partner acting uncharacteristically frugal it may be because they are preparing for a significant expense, like a spectacular ring with which to express their love and commitment.

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