Buying Amethyst Jewelry? Keep These Dos and Don’ts In Mind

Women wearing Amethyst Jewelry

When it comes to purple rocks, none are as recognizable as amethysts. These lovely gems are pretty popular in fine jewelry; favored by many worldwide for their royal purple hue. Those with February birthstones may be particularly fond of Amethyst as it is their birthstone. However, you don’t have to be a February-born individual to love this gem. Amethyst also holds excellent symbolism.

Associated with the purity of spirit, the stone is believed to possess purifying properties that help with the healing of wounds, both physical and emotional. Today, amethyst stones are commonly used in meditation as well as worn in jewelry. But did you know that traditionally, the stone ranked alongside rubies, diamonds, and emeralds and was reserved only for royalty? Thankfully, as time went on, they became more widely available. You can now find a wide selection of amethyst gems of varying sizes and grades and in a variety of jewelry designs. What’s not to love about this divine stone? But before you buy any stunning amethyst jewelry, here are a few dos and don’ts that you must keep in mind.

Tips for Buying Amethyst Jewelry

Here’s what to consider when choosing everything from an amethyst ring to Amethyst earrings.


  • Pay close attention to color.Amethyst is often purple, but there can be variations in its color. You’ll want to opt for gems that have a rich purple color and are deeply saturated. However, you don’t want the coloring so dark that the stone doesn’t display its trademark rose-colored flashes from within. Watch out for zoning as well, where the color isn’t evenly distributed and has hints of other hues. Thankfully, Amethyst is pretty affordable, so you will likely be able to find a vibrant stone that is still within your budget.
  • Work with a jeweler who works with your budget. As we’ve mentioned, there is no shortage of amethyst jewelry. But that doesn’t mean you should look for it anywhere. Choose an experienced jeweler with the expertise to help you pick an excellent quality amethyst that is still within your budget. When it comes to gems, don’t feel that you should shop only for the best of the best. In most cases, you can find an amethyst that may have a minute imperfection that is mostly hidden by the cut, setting, or even color for a much lower price than a “perfect” amethyst. You’ll still get breathtaking jewelry, and your budget won’t suffer.
  • Select an eye-clean Amethyst. Almost all Amethyst has some imperfections because they were naturally formed inside the earth. The trick is distinguishing between obvious ones and unnoticeable ones. Eye-clean stones have no distinguishable inclusions when viewed with the naked eye. Under a microscope, you may be able to pick some up. Still, when the gem is worn in jewelry and observed under normal circumstances, it will appear to have no imperfections. Visible inclusions and obvious imperfections like pale, pastel coloring greatly reduce an amethyst’s value.


  • Don’t opt for brown or bronze. Amethyst can have zoning of colors or zones of lighter and darker shades of purple. Neither is desirable, but zoning of brownish or bronze-colored tints can really detract from the value. This is especially true if they’re apparent when the stone is viewed from the top. A good test to check for color zoning is to view the stone against a white background. Remember, you’re looking for a vivid, evenly saturated purple color.
  • Don’t compromise on the cut. Gems typically aren’t graded as strictly as diamonds. But that is not a reason to skip over details like cut. A well-cut amethyst will have a lively sparkle, reflecting light evenly throughout the stone regardless of your chosen shape. Facet patterns can enhance the stone’s beauty. However, you’ll want to ensure they create an aesthetically pleasing pattern that doesn’t detract from light reflection.
  • When in doubt, get a lab report.There is such a thing as synthetic Amethyst, and two stones, scapolite, and spinel, can be mistaken for a real amethyst gem. In order to be sure you’re buying a natural amethyst, it doesn’t hurt to get a lab report. Institutions like the GIA often offer a colored stone identification report for gems like Amethyst.

Picking the Perfect Purple Amethyst

Amethyst jewelry is gorgeous, not just for February babies but for anyone who wants a meaningful, stylish, and vibrant accessory. Hopefully, our above list of dos and don’ts prepared you to make an informed decision and choose the best gem for your jewelry!


Which is the best color for an amethyst?

The best color for Amethyst is a rich purple, typically with some reddish undertones. Dark purple is better than pale purple as long as the gem isn’t so dark that its vibrancy is reduced.

Is Amethyst an expensive gemstone?

Amethyst is relatively affordable, though stones with better color, clarity, and cut will cost more than lower-grade Amethyst.

What does Amethyst symbolize?

Amethyst typically symbolizes healing, purification, and divine intuition. It is also associated with the color of royalty.

Is amethyst jewelry sturdy enough for everyday wear?

Amethyst has a seven on the Mohs scale, which is decently hard and suitable for everyday wear. However, the gem can be prone to scratching and fading if left in sunlight for too long.

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