Morganite Clarity

Morganite is a lovely stone, often appearing in shades of pink or orange. Whether you have a Morganite birthstone or simply want a piece of jewelry featuring the crystal, like a Morganite ring, you probably wonder how to select the best gem for your budget. There are quite a few Morganite options out there, making it tricky to choose your ideal Morganite stone. However, our quick guide on Morganite clarity is here to help you learn more about one of the most essential aspects of gem quality and value.

Gemstone Clarity

You may be familiar with diamond clarity. Grading the clarity of a diamond is very precise and strict because the price of the stone is strongly linked to excellent clarity. The clarity of a gemstone is similar, as it is based on inclusions or blemishes, but not as rigid. A gemstone is examined under different conditions to see how "clear" it looks.

Colorful gems can have a few inclusions, and the price won't suffer much, unlike diamonds. Inclusions don't affect the price significantly because colored gemstones can have a lot of inclusions, like emeralds, or fewer inclusions, like aquamarines.

Clarity and Morganite Value

Morganite is a type of beryl. It's found in many places throughout the globe and usually appears in colors ranging from orange to pink. Pink stones tend to have more value, while peachy stones are slightly less sought after. The less saturated the color of your Morganite, the more noticeable the inclusions may be.

When choosing Morganite, gemologists are looking for "eye-clean" stones. This means that if the stone is viewed without magnification, there are no visible flaws or inclusions. Morganite can be cut to remove noticeable inclusions as long as it doesn't affect the stone's carat weight or quality too much. If a beautifully faceted Morganite is eye clean, it can be made into jewelry.

Remember, it's how clean the Morganite looks that matters, not how many inclusions it actually has. This is why more heavily saturated stones can be more readily deemed eye clean. A pale pink Morganite that is "eye clean" will often be more valuable as this color will easily show inclusions. Finding one of great clarity can be tricky.

When forming, Morganite usually results in clean crystals, but inclusions can occur in these stones. If that is the case, the specimen may not be fit for jewelry. It could be made into a rounded, dome shape with a flat back, called a cabochon. Cabochons are usually made from opaque or less transparent gems and can be set into jewelry. Alternatively, the stone could be formed into beads.

Types of Morganite Inclusions

By now you know that Morganite should be eye clean, but this isn't always the case. Here are a few inclusions you may see in Morganite gems. Sometimes, these blemishes can be beautiful and special, perfect for display on cabochons. However, these inclusions often make the rock unfit for fine jewelry.

Liquid Inclusions

Liquid inclusions are the most common type of inclusions in Morganite. The liquid inclusion can also contain gas bubbles and solid areas. These are known as multiphase inclusions and will appear as circular bubbles or tubes within the stone.


Feathers appear as thin, delicate lines; hence why they're called feathers. They can be common in many gemstones. If there are many of them, they will make the stone look more opaque. Alone or in small numbers, they generally don't prevent light from going through the gem.

Other Crystals

Sometimes when Morganite is forming, it can run into other substances. You can find manganese inclusions in some Morganite. A gem with a Manganese inclusion may display pleochroism, which means it changes colors when viewed from different angles.

Morganite Clarity Scale

You may be familiar with the diamond grading scale, which is pretty precise. Gemstones are not graded on such a specific scale. And, as Morganite is generally eye clean, it doesn't need to be.

Instead, stones are graded on a scale that ranges from AAAA to B. Morganite with a grade of AAAA may also be referred to as heirloom. It is eye clean and has a rosy pink or peach hue. Around one percent of all natural Morganite falls into this category. AAA is the "best" category and eye-clean with a warm peach or pink tone. Ten percent of natural Morganite gems meet the AAA category standards. AA is "better" and is light peach in color while possessing slight inclusions. Finally, "good," or A, has slight to moderate inclusions with a light peach coloring and accounts for around seventy-five percent of all mined Morganite specimens.

Most faceted Morganite jewelry uses stones AAAA to AA, mainly if AA stones are more saturated in color.


Which is the best Morganite color?

Pale pink tends to be the most sought-after, especially for Morganite engagement rings. However, light peachy pink is also desirable.

Is Morganite a rare gem?

Morganite is considered a rare semi-precious gem.

Are Morganites durable?

Morganite is considered a hard gemstone, measuring 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale. However, if worn daily, it may require infrequent re-polishing.

Where is Morganite found?

Most gems come from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Although Afghanistan, Mozambique, the United States, and Namibia are minor producers.

Which is the best clarity grade for a Morganite?

The best clarity grade for Morganite is AAAA (heirloom) though only 1% of stones make this category. AAAA to AA is suitable for faceted jewelry.

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