Morganite Color

Morganite Color

Also known as pink beryl or pink emerald, Morganite can range from a pale pink to a deeper salmon with shades of violet and peach in between. Today, we know that it is found in a variety of locations around the world. But in 1910 it was discovered first in Madagascar. Morganite's meaning is linked to the heart and is a stone of compassion, healing, and unconditional love; making Morganite jewelry a beautiful and sentimental option for wearers.

A Matter of Chemistry

Just what is Morganite? Morganite is beryl. The beryl family produces other well-loved stones such as aquamarine, emerald, yellow beryl, and heliodor. Scientifically, beryl is a mineral made from beryllium aluminum silicate and has the chemical formula Be₃Al₂Si₆O₁₈. Its composition gives it a hardness rating of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale.

This is undoubtedly softer than a diamond, which ranks at a 10. However, you can commonly find the stone used in jewelry like Morganite earrings or a Morganite necklace. Though these jewelry pieces are durable, Morganite often requires regular cleaning and a sturdy setting to keep it looking its best.

How are Morganites Formed?

It is part of the beryl mineral group, the same group from which a handful of other colorful gems come. Like a diamond, it takes hundreds of years of heat and pressure beneath the earth's crust to form beryl. However, this process only produces colorless, pure beryl. Pink beryl, or Morganite crystal, is formed when it interacts with other substances.

Screw-back clip-ons: These were the original style of clip-on earrings. They feature a simple, small screw on the back side of the earring that presses the back of the earring to the lobe. One benefit of this style is that they allow you to adjust them for your comfort. You can adjust the screw to either tighten or loosen the earring to a more comfortable position.

Pure beryl has no color; it is a clear crystal. Morganite's gorgeous pink color occurs when manganese or caesium meets the colorless gemstone. Like other shades of beryl, the lovely colors require a unique geochemical environment during the stone's formation. In most cases, Morganite is found in granitic pegmatite, the rocks formed due to magma's crystallization.

Occurrence of Morganite

Morganites are found all over the world, on six of the seven continents. However, the semi-precious gem is considered quite rare. The mine producing the most Morganite is Minas Gerais, Brazil. Other locations where Morganite is found are Namibia, Mozambique, Afghanistan, and the United States. Madagascar, Morganite's place of origin, is also a minor producer. Gems from the Madagascar mine are considered the "gold standard" for Morganite.

Modern-Day Morganite Mining Deposits

Today, Minas Gerais in Brazil is the largest producer of Morganite. Morganite deposits can contain small crystals or large crystals. As recently as 1989, one of the largest crystals was found in Buckfield, Maine, United States. It weighed around fifty pounds and had a carat weight of 115,000 carats. Unfortunately, it was broken into pieces when those who found it could not agree on ownership.

Though Morganite can be found on many continents, high-quality natural Morganite with beautiful color saturation is rare.

Morganite Valuation and Treatments


Morganite can be cut into many different shapes. Cuts include both traditional and fancy shapes. As love is strongly linked to Morganite stone meaning, a heart shape can be a fitting cut for a Morganite ring. Other popular shapes include oval, cushion, and emerald. Morganite stones can change colors when viewed at different angles, making strategic cutting and faceting essential factors for gem cutters. Windowing, how light passes through the stone, and extinction, places where the light gets trapped inside the stone, are vital concerns when cutting Morganite.


Most Morganite is shades of pink, including pale pink, pink, peachy-pink, peach, salmon, and violet pink. In almost every case of Morganite, these colors will be somewhat pale. Saturation can affect price and value. Vivid and intensely colored Morganite stones are rare. Those who desire Morganite jewelry typically seek pastel pink Morganite and a Morganite engagement ring featuring this hue has become a popular alternative to a diamond engagement ring. Peach Morganite is the second most desired shade, though this only applies to untreated peach-colored stones.


Most Morganite that is cut and faceted is surface clean, meaning its inclusions (if any) are not visible to the naked eye. Most Morganite crystals are free from inclusions, which is beneficial considering their light color can easily show flaws. Like other gemstones, Morganite will not have the specific clarity ratings as is familiar with diamonds. Instead, you should look for a stone that is eye clean.


Morganites can be found in both small and large sizes. In most cases, larger gems will have a more vivid display of color. As many deposits of Morganite produce gems on the larger side, a bigger carat stone doesn't necessarily mean it will be costly.


Heat treatment is relatively acceptable and sometimes common with colored gems. Morganite is no exception, and stones can be heat treated or not. Heat treatment helps intensify Morganite's color, specifically making it pinker. This is why peach Morganite tends to be untreated. Exceptionally pink stones will often have been treated. Heat treatment does not necessarily affect the beauty or value of Morganite and is usually undetectable.


Which is the best morganite color?

Pale pink Morganite has been a trendy choice recently, especially for morganite engagement rings. Peach morganite, which is natural and untreated, is a close second.

Does Morganite change color?

Morganite can change color depending on how it is cut and the angle you view the stone. Morganite naturally can be found in a variety of shades as well. Once Morganite is cut and set, the color won't fade. However, like other gemstones, it can lose its luster due to the build-up of dirt and grime.

Is Morganite a rare gem?

Morganites are considered somewhat rare, but their prices don't mirror those of diamonds or emeralds. Different shades and saturations of Morganite can be rarer than others.

Is Morganite a precious stone?

Morganite is a semi-precious gemstone, unlike its cousin, the emerald, which is considered a precious stone.
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