Morganite Value and Worth

Morganite’s popularity has continued to increase, especially in recent years. It’s a rare, durable gemstone that is valuable, yet affordable. Keep reading to get answers to all of your questions about the value and worth of morganite.

Morganite Popularity

Morganite is available in a variety of colors, from soft pink to peach to purple. The delicate colors of this stone are associated with innocence, sweetness, romance, and love. Some believe this gemstone opens the heart and brings upon healing and compassion. As a result, its popularity has grown in recent years as a gemstone that represents love–especially for engagement rings.

Morganite in the Past

A deposit of fine Morganite with exceptionally saturated and beautiful color was discovered 1908 in Madagascar. Tiffany’s gemologist George Kunz believed this newly discovered, rose-colored gem deserved a unique name. As a result, in 1910, Kunz proposed to the New York Academy of Sciences that pink beryl be named morganite in honor of financier and gem collector J.P. Morgan. At the time, Morgan was creating one of the world’s greatest mineral collections for the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and this museum is now known as the Morgan Hall of Gems. They agreed with Kunz’s proposal, and morganite was officially named a new gem variety.

Morganite Today

Whether a gift for yourself or for a loved one, morganite is a beautiful, meaningful stone that continues to increase in popularity. Some believe morganite supports self-confidence, personal power, and positive energy. It’s thought to encourage fair treatment of other people, and also improves communication, relieves stress, and increases understanding of others.

What is Morganite?

Morganite is called a rose beryl–it is the pink, salmon-colored variety of the beryl gem family. It gets its pink color from the minerals manganese and/or cesium. A higher content of manganese or cesium will yield a more saturated pink in the morganite.

Morganite Pricing

Like most gemstones, color, clarity, carat and cut impact morganite’s quality, and as a result, its price.


Morganite is unique in that it’s available in various shades.Pink and rose morganite stones are generally more desirable, while the peach and salmon shades are typically less popular. However, each stone’s color is unique and people have their own personal preferences when it comes to their favorite shade of morganite. For example, some say peach and salmon hues are less popular, but some jewelry or stone collectors value untreated peach-colored morganite more highly than heat-treated pink gemstones.


This gemstone is a lighter gemstone, so some inclusions might be visible depending on the cut. However, some cuts hide inclusions and this gemstone doesn’t have as many inclusions as other stones. Stones with visible inclusions aren’t typically used in morganite jewelry unless the flaws are cleverly hidden by the setting.


Most gemstones are measured in carats, but a carat isn’t the same size in every gemstone. Some are denser than others, so a diamond and a morganite of the same carat weight would likely be different sizes. As a result, morganite gets measured in millimeters rather than carats.


Cut is important because it impacts the stone’s brilliance and sparkle. Like other gemstones, morganite can be cut into different shapes and sizes. 

How Much Does Morganite Cost?

The stone’s grade impacts morganite’s cost. A lighter stone with more inclusions will cost less (and be less valuable) than a medium light to medium pink colored stones with spectacular cuts will cost more. The price of morganite may vary, but in general, morganite costs around $100 to $300 per carat. Morganite stones that are medium light to medium pink in color, with custom cuts, are the most valuable of all. The lighter the stone and the more inclusions, the less valuable it is.

While morganite is rare, it’s frequently found in larger crystals. This means that there is not an exponential increase in the price of the stone and its size. On the other hand, smaller morganite stones with saturated color can be more valuable than larger stones.

Morganite Treatments

Morganite is typically heat treated to improve its pink color by removing hints of yellow or orange. It’s important to note that the treatment isn’t detectable. The result is a more pure and intense pink, and it won’t fade over time.


Is morganite expensive?

Generally, morganite costs around $100 to $300 per carat. On average, the stone costs approximately one tenth of what a diamond would by weight.

What does morganite symbolize?

Morganite features a soft pink hue, so it is often associated with innocence, sweetness, romance, and love. Morganite’s connection to love stems from its tie to the heart chakra. Many believe this crystal brings healing, compassion, and promise to those who wear it. Although it’s not a birthstone, it’s a beautiful stone to incorporate into fine jewelry.

Are morganites rare?

Yes, morganite is a rare stone and more rare than diamonds. However, on a dollar-per-carat basis, morganites are much less expensive than diamonds (approximately one tenth of what a diamond would by weight).

Why is morganite popular?

Morganite is a durable gemstone with a Mohs hardness scale of 7.5 to 8, so it’s increasingly popular for fine jewelry. It’s also becoming more popular as a stone for engagement rings because of its subtle hue and meaning.

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